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POS System Setup for Entertainment
Entertainment POS System
- BMO POS Software
- Recon CPU
- Recon Monitor
- New POS Market Customer Display
- New Mini Cash Drawer
- New Wired Laser Barcode Scanner
- New 80mm Thermal Receipt Printer
- New Mouse
- New POS Keyboard
- 80mm x 27m Thermal Paper 10 rolls
- FREE 6 Months Cloud Subscription
- FREE BMO Invoicing
- FREE Open / Closed Sign
- FREE Children Workbook
Packages include:
- FULL SET Software & Hardware
- Comes with inventory system.
- FREE 3 Years Online Support
- One Time Payment
- Eligible for Purchase with Purchase
- Free 1 Gift with Every POS Bundle Purchase (Subject to availability)
- Toys Cash Register
- Dessert Shop
- Portable Drill 12V
** QR / E-Wallet Payment Terminal OPTIONAL

Entertainment POS System Key Features
Our POS system is uniquely geared for the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry includes pubs, cafés, theme parks, etc. We have added a few specially customized functionality to our BMO POS system to cater to your needs. If you need a POS System for your bar, cafe, etc, POS Market is here to help you.

Membership Module and Discount
By using our BMO POS System, you can create different types of membership categories for each customer contact. As different customers will sign up or eligible for different memberships. Each of the categories can be customized to have a particular percentage of discount which will be linked to the customers in the said category.
Examples of Categories with a particular percentage of discount are as follows:
Category A Membership | 30% Discount |
Category B Membership | 20% Discount |
Category C Membership | 10% Discount |
For example, Jenny is a member under category A, hence Jenny is entitled to a 20% discount. Ahmad is a category C membership; thus, he will get a 15% discount when visiting the theme parks, pubs, karaoke, and other entertainment outlets.
This is one of the ways to attract your customers into being a member to enjoy these discounts because who do not like a discount right?
Inventory System Management
The inventory management system ensures that your items are always in stock and never out of stock and it updates your quantity on hand automatically after each purchase. With the reminder alert, the BMO POS system will prompt out the alert to remind you to restock the stock. During the receiving of new stocks, you can record the stocks into the BMO POS System and the system will make stock adjustments. Besides that, you can record the vendor or supplier’s contact number and company name. Hence, when the product is low in stock, you are able to check which vendor or supplier the stock comes from. In other words, our BMO POS System allows the re-order of stocks from the same vendor we receive the stock from.
It is also important to put in the position of the item in the store-room to be more systematic and more organized. The system is able for you to record your item quantity and the location of the item, hence in that case the working staff is able to locate the items easier without waiting too much time.

QR Code Function for Membership Point
Print out the QR Code from the Cloud. By scanning the QR Code, your customers can check the accumulated points from their phone, which is much more convenient. Every purchase of items or tickets or entertainment store or visitation to theme parks will be rewarded with membership points, to those customers who have a member in the entertainment store.
To double confirm the points of that customer, you can access the BMO cloud system to check how many points are there.
Some of the customers might make a booking on a cafe table in advance because there is always a limit for the maximum number of customers that can enter. Therefore, our system allows the customer to make a booking by paying a deposit and it will be treated as an order. You can complete the payment by finding the order detail in the receipt list and reenter the tender amount.
Besides cafes, you may also put in a deposit at pubs or karaoke for any birthday celebrations. The customer will pay an initial deposit amount and will be recorded in the system. The remaining or outstanding amount that needs to be paid and the amount that has been paid will be in the BMO POS System.

Appointments can be created easily on our BMO POS System, you can select the customer’s contact and select time and date. Instead of using books, papers, or spreadsheets to write appointments, you can now preset your customer’s appointment in the calendar for notification purposes on who had made appointments from day-to-day. You are able to see the overall appointments for the day or week for the staff’s reference.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is advisable to recommend customers to make a quick appointment if they require to do any service and purchases. This is to avoid over-crowding and maintaining social distancing in the store. Hence, it is easier to make an appointment using the system instead of using a manual method.
Alert Function
One of our best features is the alert function. Due to certain circumstances like busy days, we tend to miss out or forget certain things we need to do. Hence, here comes the alert function. It reminds us when our inventory quantity is low. You will remember to stock up items that are best selling and low in quantity to keep the sales going on. As a result of this, you save your time in the storeroom counting and tracking the stocks in your storeroom. Besides reminding you about your inventory, it also reminds other things in the system:
– Customer Membership Expiry Date, so you may contact your customer regarding renewing their membership
– The cash drawer is open as some people may have opened it when it should not be opened.
– You can send a message using our iSMS service to remind them about any upcoming events, promotions, special events, and also appointments.
– Alerting about the time to end a certain shift and doing the procedures of closing shifts like generating sales reports, exchanging cash drawers, counting the cash, etc.

Duel-Screen and E-Wallet
With the BMO POS system, pubs, karaoke, theme parks, and entertainment business will be more flexible when offering various payment methods to customers. Flexible paying with cash, credit card, debit card, and E-Wallet! Our POS System is integrated with most E-Wallets merchandise, giving your customers more choices to make their payment. Supported E-wallets are TnG, Boost, Maybank QR Pay, GrabPay, WeChat Pay, MCash, UnionPay)
Besides that, the BMO POS System accepts vouchers and coupons as a form of payment method too besides setting deposit payment features.
There are 2 methods for E-Wallet, which is pretty simple.
- Merchant Scan
The process requires a QR Code Reader,
- Customer during payment
- In the POS system, select E-Wallet Merchant Scan (e.g: Boost E-Wallet)
- The customer opens the QR code display on the phone
- The customer scans at the QR Code reader
- Successful payment
- Generates receipt
2. Customer Scan
The process is pretty simple
- Customer during payment in the POS system
- Select E-Wallet Customer Scan (e.g: Boost E-Wallet) the QR code will be displayed on the dual-screen.
- The customer scans the QR code.
- After successful payment
- Receipt generated.
Online Support (TeamViewer)
We provide you with our software online support via TeamViewer. Just install TeamViewer on your PC and we can do it for you! We prioritize and appreciate our customers for choosing us, hence keeping their satisfaction towards our BMO POS system we provide FREE 3 Years Online Support to our customers. Besides software support, our support team is proficient in hardware support as well.
We are operating 7 days per week, with different working hours on the weekends. Any issues you may reach us on the following and we will give our full support from our technical team via phone calls, emails, WhatsApp, and internet remote support.

Attendance Clock In and Clock Out System
POS System also can clock in and clock out? Our POSMARKET POS System has an attendance feature where you can record your employees’ daily clock in and clock out attendance. You can easily track your employee’s clock in and clock out time. Besides clock in and clock out, you can even track the lunchtime of the employees. Since everything is in the system, it is a more organized, more systematic way of managing your employee’s working hours.
The clock-in system can be done by using an RFID card or Fingerprint. You can clock in and clock out either way. Providing much more flexibility to staff to track their attendance and their lunch or dinner breaks. With only 1 system, you don’t have to worry about spending another money to track your staff’s attendance.
Cash Drawer Management
Or“Mid-Shift Change Drawer Change”. This means the change of cash drawer every shift ends in your store. For example, at shift 10am-3pm, you change from a cash drawer full of money into an empty or some cash for the next shift.
Changing cash drawers at the end of each shift is to balance out cash and to avoid keeping too much cash in the cash drawer for the day. Keeping too much cash in the cash drawer is not too safe due to security reasons, so it is advisable to always change cash drawers, printing out sales reports, and petty cash report at the end of one shift. This is also to make sure that the sales and funds are tallies, easier when doing the accounts for your business.

iSMS Marketing
Register yourself with an iSMS account, you can now send text messages to customers! Our BMO POS System is able to send SMS directly to your customers.
Register, Top-Up, and Send!
To use this feature in your BMO POS System, first, you will have to register yourself as an iSMS sender. In the BMO POS System, you can send SMS to your clients when you top up credits into your iSMS account. The SMS that your clients received will be a 5 number digits (e.g. 68886).
Benefits of iSMS:
- Reminding and informing customers on the latest promotion or appointment.
- Sending information on seasonal promotions or discounted items
- Wishing customers festive or birthday wishes to maintain customer relationship
- Able to remind members about membership days so that they can come to your shop.
Multiple Branch and Online Cloud
If you have many outlets or multiple branches, and if your outlet needs more than one POS Terminal, you need to use the client and server setup or the cloud-based setup. Other than that, the features will still all be the same. Hence, when you subscribe to our cloud subscription for the BMO POS System, it is easier for you to manage your system from branch to branch with an internet connection. Data like sales reports or daily sales reports in BMO POS System will be synchronized into the cloud. Hence, you can access those from a different branch. And with the additional installation of AlienVOIP, you can now call to all branches for free! You can contact us for more information about this.

The report in CSV or PDF Format
One of the factors that lead to a successful business is the advantage of having POS Reports. Reports are generated based on the data gathered in your day-to-day operations in the BMO POS System. By analyzing the BMO POS System reports, you can know how can you manage and improve business more efficiently. You may export the reports in CSV files or PDF files. Reports such as item sales reports, receipt log reports, and daily sales reports.
We have prepared several types of reports customized for our customers. Let us know how would you want your reports to be and we will assist you!
Customer Locker Function
POS Market POS system allows you to store customers’ items in a digital locker. Be it to record the items belonging or leftover by customers, our BMO POS system will make sure you never forget. Our BMO POS system can assist you to keep track of the status of each locker for every customer such as when the locker will be expired and how many items are currently inside the locker.
For example, a customer name Denise going to a pub and bought 6 bottles of champagne but cannot finish drinking for the night. Denise can keep the unfinished bottles in the pub and the staff will record it in the BMO POS System under Denise’s name in the system. So next time when Denise comes to the pub, she can drink her unfinished champagne. This feature results in allowing customers to purchase more in the pub and maintaining a good customer relationship.
Some cafes or pubs will provide some vouchers where you can get discounts as long as you can show them the voucher either in a printed, original version or by E-voucher. Using our BMO POS system, you can create a voucher category product that may be serial or non-serial. You can also enable the voucher property to be online which will make the voucher in different branches to be synchronized to prevent the reuse of vouchers.
When a voucher is applied to the customer’s bill, the system will apply the voucher amount and hence, calculate the final amount of sales transaction by the customer. With the BMO POS System, it avoids any miscalculation of the amount, avoids any possible human errors done by staff, and the best thing of all, a quicker payment of sales transaction. As a result of this, increases customer satisfaction with your business.
Customer Contact & Purchase History
Our system provides you a simple way to record all customer’s information in a standard way. You can easily add customer information such as name, address contact number, or even membership status associated with that customer.
You can create customer contact in the system. The customer contact can consist of their name, contact number, email address, permanent address, and birthday. This customer contact will be allowing you to maintain good customer relationships.
To view the customer list, you may access to Offline POS terminal and click on the Contacts button. A list of customer information will be displayed under the search section table.
Prepaid Function
In our POS MARKET POS System, you can sell a member card with prepaid payments to your customer. This member card will allow customers to top-up credit into the member card and customers can use it to make payments. The prepaid value and the top-up history will be kept in the customer contact database for reference purposes.
For example, Mr. Lim buys a member card from Entertainment Store A, Mr. Lim top-up, or reloads RM100 into the member card. So next time when Mr. Lim goes to Entertainment Store A, Mr. Lim can use his member card to make the payment without the need for cash. Encouraging cashless payment for quicker check-outs and quicker payments. With Mr. Lim’s contact database in the BMO POS System, you can check the prepaid value and top-up history for reference purposes.
POS Attachment Function
Our POS MARKET POS System has this POS Attachment Function for those who need to attach certain information in their receipt before printing it out. This function can be necessary, as it is easier and safer to attach information printed on the receipt rather than writing it down manually. The information can be the customer’s name and emergency contact or the wristband number, etc.
For example, use this attached information function to match the detail printed on the kid’s wristbands when they enter a playground. In that case, the staff will know the receipt payment is for which kid. As for safety measures; parents, staff, and public citizens can use the receipt attached with wristband details to identify the missing child or injured child.